Pet Teeth Cleaning - Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital - San Diego, CA

Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital

10799 Tierrasanta Blvd
San Diego, CA 92124



Pet Teeth Cleaning


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dental xray

Pet Dental Disease Care and Prevention in San Diego at Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital

You probably brush your teeth at least twice per day, but have you ever thought about brushing your pet's teeth? At Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital, our San Diego veterinarian team proudly provides pet dental care services for cats and dogs. We also educate pet parents about how to look after their animals' oral health at home.


The Importance of Pet Dental Care

Did you realize that pets with poor dental health often don't live as long? This is because poor oral health can cause bacteria to get into the bloodstream and infect the heart and other organs. Pet dental disease can also make it painful to eat, which could lead to other health issues related to malnutrition.

Don't forget that maintaining good pet dental care for your pet can save you thousands of dollars over the course of your pet's lifetime and cause you and your animal way less stress!

For these reasons and more, proper pet dental care is an incredibly important part of your animals’ wellness plan.


Common Pet Dental Conditions Diagnosed and Treated by Our San Diego Veterinarians

So, what is pet dental disease, exactly? The following conditions and issues are commonly seen by our San Diego veterinarians:

Check Mark Periodontal disease, also known as gum inflammation and damage

Check Mark Plaque, or sticky residue coating the teeth

Check Mark Tartar, which is hardened plaque and much more difficult to remove

Check Mark Fractured, infected (abscess), missing, loose, and/or extra teeth

Check Mark Oral lumps, bumps, and sores

Check Mark Jaw malocclusions


Signs of Pet Dental Disease

Signs of pet dental disease include bad breath, excessive drooling, pawing at the mouth, bleeding gums and teeth, missing or broken teeth, and problems eating (e.g., dropping food, eating on one side of the mouth, or vocalizations while eating).

However, it's not always easy to tell if your animal has dental problems. The best way to treat and prevent these problems is to get help from a vet.


How a San Diego Veterinarian Can Help Manage Pet Dental Care

At our animal hospital, we recommend yearly pet dental exams, which are done with your pet under general anesthesia. This keeps your pet safe and comfortable while we do a thorough job.

Pet dental exams allow us to screen for and detect dental health problems earlier. We also clean your pet's teeth and gums and provide necessary interventions.

In between visits, there are plenty of things you can do to maximize your animal's oral health:

Check Mark Brush your animal's teeth with pet-safe toothpaste and toothbrushes daily

Check Mark Give your pet nutritious food

Check Mark Give your pet chew-safe toys to play with

Check Mark If you see any signs of pet dental disease, call our vet staff to schedule an appointment


How's Your Pets’ Oral Health?

Contact Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital at (858) 292-6116 if you live near San Diego, CA, and are looking for high quality pet dental care for your beloved animal companion.

Just like people, pets can benefit from having their teeth and gums taken care of. While some of them might be cooperative if you use a finger toothbrush, others flee as soon as you even approach them with it. The good news is if you live in or near San Diego, CA, you can bring your pet to our team at Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital for proper pet dental care from an animal doctor near you. Our pet doctor is here to help.


Why Is Dental Care Important?

If your pet's teeth aren't taken care of, then plaque can start to form on them, causing a type of gum disease called gingivitis. This type is reversible, fortunately. If that plaque hardens and becomes tartar and gets under the gumline, however, then you may need the help of an animal doctor to remove it. If the tartar stays there too long, the gingivitis can become periodontitis, which can cause gum recession and tooth loss.

In addition to being very painful for your pet, bacteria can get into your pet’s bloodstream through his bleeding gums, which will become a serious threat to your pet’s health or even his life. As a result, lack of dental care can affect far more than your pet's mouth.


Cleaning Teeth

If it's determined that your pet needs to have a teeth cleaning, our staff will put him under anesthesia so the cleaning won't bother him. We will then clean the teeth and gums and possibly extract some problematic teeth. Afterwards, we will give your pet back to you, possibly a bit groggy from the anesthesia, but with healthier teeth and gums.

It may be a good idea to regularly check your pet's teeth and gums yourself. If he has had some redness, bleeding gums, or bad breath, it could be a sign your pet’s oral health is declining. If it continues to get worse, schedule an appointment with our veterinary team and we will do what we can to help him.


Get Vet Care and Pet Dental Care from a Veterinarian Near You on Our Team

Rather than search for a veterinarian near you, you can take your pet to our team at Tierrasanta Veterinary Hospital in San Diego, CA. We're ready to help all the pets in the area have the best teeth and gums. Contact us today to make an appointment with a pet doctor. Call us at (858) 292-6116 for vet care and pet dental care from a veterinarian near you on our veterinary team.

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